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One of the distribution types you always have available for every channel in coded content, is API Get. You will be provided an API Key alongside every channel that will allow you into the appropriate endpoints below.

  • Content
  • Content Types


Content for your channel. This returns all content for the league & query parameters selected.
Query String Parameters
date_startdatefalseYYYY-MM-DD (2025-01-15)
date_enddatefalseYYYY-MM-DD (2025-01-15)
URL Template Parameters
leaguestringtrueValid Entries:allnbanflmlbnhlcbbcfb
Data Dictionary
content_idintCC unique identifier for this specific piece of content. We always send this.
channel_namestrThe name of the ‘Channel’ the content was generated for
leaguestrThe league associated with the content.
typestrThe CC content type split up into type+sub_type
sub_typestrThe CC content type split up into type+sub_type
content_typestrCC type of content generated (e.g., NFL Player News – Transaction, NBA Player News – Injury, etc).
date_generateddateThe date and time when the content was generated.
contentobjBy default it contains an “article” element with the main body of the content in <html> form. See below for Article Object Splitting if you want to customize this. Can also contain: “title”, “seo_title”, “meta_description”, “primary_keyword”, “excerpt”, “tags”
game_idintSDIO Team identifier for the specific game.
game_away_team_idintSDIO Team identifier for the away team.
game_away_team_namestrCity + Team of the away team
game_home_team_idintSDIO Team identifier for the home team.
game_home_team_namestrCity + Team of the home team
player_team_idintSDIO Team identifier for the player involved
player_team_namestrTeam Name of the player
player_namestrFull Name of the Player
player_first_namestrFirst Name of the Player
player_last_namestrLast Name of the Player
player_idintSDIO Player identifier for a specific player.
player_id_fanduel_dfsintFanduel DFS Player Identifier for a specific player.
author_idintWhat is the value of the author needed if you want an author_id
featured_image_urlstrIf you have a featured image concept, this will contain the url we are using. We can define a “standard” image per type, or with IMAGN integration can send a relevant image.
featured_image_captionstrThe caption coming in with the image.
categoriesobjOn object of categories to be assigned.

Content Types

Content Types dictionary so you can get the correct value into the content parameter. All content types that are active are returned.
Query String Parameters
URL Template Parameters
Data Dictionary
namestrVisual name of the Content Type
leaguestrThe league the content type is valid for
content_typestrThe high level content type
sub_typestrThe sub level of content type if there is one
api_namestrThe value you will use in your “Content” filter for content_type

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